視覺傳達設計學系 張愷勻 同學 入圍 2015義大利國際海報雙年展入選作品名稱: 文化認同《Beautiful cultural》


義大利國際海報雙年展為近年來新興的國際海報設計競賽,為國際藝術聯盟( IAA/AIAP)所認可的海報獎之ㄧ,徵件重點主要著重在社會事件、人性關懷以及環境保育等相關議題,除此之外也希望能夠扮演設計師和藝術家在海報設計領域中的溝通橋樑。 



Globalization has almost become a trend, and it is inevitable that people nowadays see other cultures in order to adjust to it. Taiwan is a beautiful island with a diverse culture, just like a big melting pot. We have been living and working peacefully with members of various ethnic groups. Culture is complex as if it looks like a shining crystal, and we always embrace it unconscious.