History & Features
Brief Introduction
Features of College
Basic Literacy of students
Core abilities of students
Prospects of Our College |
設計學院 未來願景 |
The College of Design was founded when our school system reformed in 2001.
With reforming for several times, our college extended the scale including three departments (Visual Communication Design, Crafts and Design, Multimedia and Animation Arts) and one doctoral program (Graduate School of Creative Industry Design)
For a long time, we have kept the utmost purpose that cultivates professional and excellent talents.
We hope our students may not only have the literacy of social and cultural concern but have creative thinking and international horizon with interdisciplinary concepts.
With our mutual efforts, we push NTUA to the peak of arts and design field and not only root in Taiwan but reach out the whole world.
The prospects of our college are as followed:
1.Establishing doctoral program in three departments We will actively strive for establishing doctoral program and complete the educational system in order to enhance the vertical and horizontal progress in academic fields. With the establishment of doctoral program, the practice-orientation undergraduate division can root in academic research continually and grow stronger based on the solid foundation of research.2.Supplying the facilities for teaching We will cooperate with the different schedule of departments and supply the lack of facilities in order to provide students with descent learning spaces and integral learning resources. Additionally, we will build the atmosphere in favor of the faculties and students for progressing together.3.Applying the design expression to serve the society Our college holds the humanistic spirit and encourages faculties and students interact with the society with design specialty. Our college continually develops the industry-academic cooperation cases and makes efforts to communicate with local culture of Taiwan in order to cultivate our inner cultural intension and realize the context of Taiwan culture.4.Building superior social and academic image Our college has the educational environment with dense atmosphere of arts and design and excellent faculties. We continually conduct on industry-academic cooperation and strive for the internship in different firms to advantage students to hunt the jobs smoothly. With hard training and education, we can foster the assets of human resource which contain both the high-level literacy and professional design skills. Furthermore, we can provide the best talents of academic fields. With all the efforts, the industrial and academic fields can have good impression on our college. |
設計學院於民國90年本校改制為藝術大學時成立,爾後歷經幾次改制才有今日三個系所(視傳系所、工藝系所、多媒系所)、一個博士班(創產所博士班)的規模。 一路走來,本院秉持著教育優秀專業設計人才為宗旨,期許設計學院的學生,除懷有社會與文化關懷的素養外,也能兼具跨領域的創意思維與國際觀。在設計學院的努力下,不僅持續把臺藝大推向藝術與設計執牛耳的地位,也讓設計學院的觸角在臺灣扎根並往國際設計界開枝散葉。 本院的未來願景如下: 1.各系所成立博士班: 積極爭取各系所成立博士班,讓教育體制更加完備,強化學術研究版圖的縱深發展。讓實務取向的大學部,能夠透過碩、博士班的設立,繼續往學術研究扎根,以奠實設計學院的學術研究基礎,並更加成長茁壯。2.擴增教學硬體與設施: 配合各系的近、中、長程計畫,逐漸擴增教學的硬體與設備,以提供學生良好的學習空間與完善的學習資源,並配合堅實的教師陣容,打造有利於師生共同成長學習的整體氛圍。3.用設計服務社會: 設計學院本著服務社會的入世精神,鼓勵師生積極透過設計專業與社會產生互動與連結,除持續發展既有的產學合作等相關方案,也努力與臺灣在地文化對話,藉以涵養本身的文化內蘊與瞭解臺灣的文化脈絡。4.打造良好社會與學術形象: 本院擁有藝文氣息濃厚的教育環境與優秀的師資陣容,除繼續推動產學合作外,也積極爭取企業實習的機會,有利於學生在學業與就業上的無縫接軌。扎實的訓練教育下,能為社會培養出兼具藝文素養與設計專業的人力資產,亦能提供學術研究領域創新研發的優秀人員,讓設計學界、業界都能對臺藝大設計學院產生精良拔尖的形象。 |
2012/12/10 | 院教師評審委員會 | |
2012/12/10 | 院教師評審委員會 | |
2012/12/10 | 院教師評審委員會 | |
2012/12/10 | 院教師評審委員會 | |
2012/12/10 | 院教師評審委員會 | |
2012/12/10 | 院教師評審委員會 | |
2012/12/10 | 院教師評審委員會 | |
2012/12/10 | 院教師評審委員會 | |
2012/12/10 | 院教師評審委員會 | |
2012/12/10 | 院教師評審委員會 | |
2012/12/10 | 院教師評審委員會 | |
2012/12/10 | 院教師評審委員會 |