活動議程表  (下載處 )

設計學院「設計月」(Month of Design)系列活動謹訂於2016年10月14日(五)至11月6日(日),假本校國立臺灣藝術大學舉行。院內之工藝系、視傳系及多媒系將接連舉辦數場國際學術研討會、專題講座、設計工作營與展覽等活動,各系特別邀請多位來自國內外的專家學者,國外包括:英國金工藝術家David  Clarke、美國賓州州立大學名譽教授Dr. Brent  Wilson、加拿大約克大學Dr.  Wendy Siuyi Wong、日本知名品牌顧問公司Bravis International  Ltd.執行長Fumi Sasada、日本電腦繪圖科技公司營運長高井了治。國內包括:劉得劭教授、李弘偉設計師、許杏蓉院長、宋欣穎導演。透過此系列活動蓄積國內的設計能量,為臺灣設計界注入一股活水並與國際接軌。




國立臺灣藝術大學 校長 陳志誠

國立臺灣藝術大學 設計學院 院長 許杏蓉

國立臺灣藝術大學 工藝設計學系 主任 呂琪昌

國立臺灣藝術大學 視覺傳達設計學系 主任 蘇佩萱

國立臺灣藝術大學 多媒體動畫藝術學系 主任 張維忠

國立臺灣藝術大學 創意產業設計研究所博士班 所長 林伯賢

實踐家文教基金會  董事長 林偉賢

中華民國基礎造形學會 會長 柯凱仁




“Month of Design” will be held in National Taiwan University of Arts, from October 14 to November 6 in 2016. A series of events will be held including several international conferences, lectures, workshops and exhibitions by Department of Visual Communication Design, Department of Crafts and Design and Department of Multimedia and Animation Arts in College of Design.


Besides, these departments especially invite several international and Taiwanese keynote speakers and designers, foreign speakers including David Clarke, Goldsmithing, Silversmithing, Metalwork & Jewellery Artist in the UK, Dr. Brent  Wilson, Emeritus Professor of Pennsylvania State University, USA, Dr.  Wendy Siuyi Wong from York University, Toronto, Canada, Fumi Sasada, CEO of Bravis International Ltd., Takai Ryoji, CEO of Studio Bokan, Japan;domestic speakers including Professor Der-Shaw Liu, Designer Hung-Wei Lee, Dean Hsing-Jung Hsu, Director Sin-Yin Song.

With these activities, the design power of “Month of Design” will bring vitality to design field of Taiwan. Therefore, we sincerely invite you to join us in the opening ceremony.



National Taiwan University of Arts, President Chih-Cheng Chen

National Taiwan University of Arts, Dean of College of Design, Hsing-Jung Hsu

National Taiwan University of Arts, Chairman of Department of Crafts & Design, Chi-Chang Lu

National Taiwan University of Arts, Chair of Department of Visual Communication Design, Pei-Hsuan Su

National Taiwan University of Arts, Chairman of Department of Multimedia and Animation Arts, Wei-Chung Chang

National Taiwan University of Arts, Dean of Graduate School of Creative Industry Design, Po-Hsien Lin

Doers Cultural & Educational Foundation, President Willson Lin

Association of Asia Network Beyond Design, Representative Kai-Jen Ko